HomeDefragmenting DroidsDefragmenting Droids: R2D2

Defragmenting Droids: R2D2

Join our host Marie-Claire Gould (@mariecgould), in our new segment “Defragmenting Droids” our look at the wonder Droids of the Star Wars Universe. Today we will explore the best and most adventurous R2D2, his narrative has iterated over time producing a richer understanding to his story. We go deep into who he is and what is he all about.


Twitter: @WTForceshow

Website: Whattheforce.ca

Mockumentary: Beneath the Dome

Building R2: A Documentary

R2 Builders

Ben Burtt video interview on Sound Design of R2

Rogue One Manumitted Droid: KOHN

The droid noises in this episode are the property of Lucasfilm/Skywalker Sound and Disney, and are being used under Fair Use for comparative purposes. Thank you Lucasfilm/Skywalker Sound and Disney for creating such wonderful IP that we can talk about it forever.

Our Intro and Exit Music is Mars from The Planets by Gustav Holst 1914-1916 (Public Domain). Performed by the United States Air Force Heritage of America Band Recorded 1998. This file is a work of a U.S. Air Force Airman or employee, taken or made as part of that person’s official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image or file is in the public domain. http://www.heritageofamericaband.af.mil/recordings/frontiers.asp


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