The Mandalorian returns to our small screens via Disney+ in about one week. Excitement for the second season kicked into high gear when September 15th brought the trailer. Fresh off of seven Emmy Award wins, there is no doubt anticipation is high. Here are a few fan fiction recommendations to hold you over, while you wait for October 30th.
1. A Source of Warmth by CoffeeQuill
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 14,857
Chapters: 4/4
Just this time, he thinks, as he turns and adjusts himself to lay down again. He lets the kid tuck into his side, and once again he closes his eyes. And opens them again, because the kid has squirmed up higher and is pushing himself right beneath Dyn’s arm, almost trying to bury himself in his armpit, and he stares at the kid. “What are you—“ he starts. Then sees the kid give a violent shiver.
Why I Recommend:
A Source of Warmth is the perfect fic if you want to see Din in total dad mode. One thing I love about this story is that he isn’t a perfect dad. He messes up plenty of times and it’s obvious he never set out to be a father. Still, he continually puts the child’s, or ad’ika- since the author sprinkles Mando’a wonderfully throughout the story, needs above his own. We get to see his inner monologue as he figures out how to best care for his son. This fic does it’s best to fit within the canon at the time, while also allowing for side adventures and parenting advice. If you want the sweetest fluff, with hints of Mandomera, where Din and Baby Yoda find a home then this is the fic for you.

2. Assets and Introspection by Vulpes_Fawkes
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1,359
Chapters: 1/1
Main Mando has found the Asset, but now he’s gotta decide what to do with it. The internal contemplation of a man with a dubious moral code to begin with.
** Contains Spoilers for The First Episode, Obviously, and Pedro Pascal name dropping the Mandalorian’s identity in an interview.
Why I Recommend:
My favorite thing about Assets and Introspection is that it features layers of speculation presented as introspection. This fic shows the transition from lone wolf to panicked fatherhood. Written before we had the season one finale, Vulpes_Fawkes gives their ideas on how the story will go. If you’ve already finished season one, though, don’t let that stop you from reading this well crafted fic. Despite the audience learning some of his motivations and also finally seeing his face, our Mandalorian still has shrouds of mystery hovering over him. I would love to see a follow up after we get season 2 episodes. It’s always a fun puzzle to try to figure out what our hero is thinking. Speculation is, after all, half the fun!

3. Diamond in the Rough by queenlittlelion
Rating: Mature
Words: 33,429
Chapters: 22/22
The Mandalorian and Game of Thrones crossover AU inspired by Disney’s Aladdin. Din Djarin travels from planet to planet collecting bounties and doing whatever it takes to survive. Charged with capturing Ko, the royal attendant to Princess Cody, he dons the persona of Prince Oberyn Martell in order to get close to the royal family. The longer he spends in Starfall, however, the more he finds himself falling in love with the Princess. But, the longer he takes to collect the bounty the more the Guild pressures him. Somehow he must balance both his lives as bounty hunter Din Djarin and Prince Oberyn Martell.
Why I Recommend:
I debated how to write my rationale for this recommendation. It felt odd to write how good it is because, well, I wrote it. How to manage the thin line between being too self-indulgent and gassing myself up? I’m not sure if I have the answer, but I’ll do my best. I think Diamond in the Rough is fantastic. It mixes locations and popular quotes from The Mandalorian, Game of Thrones, and Aladdin well. When I set out to write this I began by focussing on the relationship between Din and Cody. What I found as satisfying, though, was Ko and Cody’s friendship. I most recommend this story because while the circumstances are tragic, this story is not a tragedy.

4. Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle by not_so_weary_pilgrim (orphan_account)
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 2,854
Chapters: 3/3
Cara stares at him. “I’m sorry. You can’t come over to watch the game at my place because you’re doing what?”
Dyn very carefully keeps his eyes on the paperwork in front of him. “Because I’m taking the kid shopping for Christmas stuff.”
“Christmas stuff,” she echoes. “Like…a tree? A plate for Santa’s cookies?”
He frowns, distracted from his goal of avoiding eye contact. “They make special plates for that?”
“Dude.” Cara’s mouth hangs open. “You’re buying a tree? And, like, are gonna decorate it with ornaments and lights and – “
“Yes,” he snaps. “I’m sure you’re happy my years of being the resident grinch have finally come to an end.”
“Oh, I’m not happy,” she says, leaning back in her chair with a horrifying grin. “I’m ecstatic. Forget the game, I’m coming with you guys.”
The Modern-AU/Christmas fic that absolutely nobody asked for.
Why I Recommend:
You’re reading this list and you’re saying, Regina it’s October why are you giving me a Christmas recommendation? Dear reader, I love Christmas. I’m one of those people who celebrate the holiday all year long, so of course I had to feature a Christmas fic. Whether you save it for December or read it now, this is the perfect fluffy AU about a grumpy Din who lets his cute neighbor Omera and his partner Cara help him navigate parenthood and teach him how to celebrate the holidays for his son. The story is General Audience for the most part. It should be noted, however, that Din adopts his son while on a domestic violence call. The author does not show or detail the violence.

5. Fairweather Friends by robotboy
Rating: Explicit
Words: 16,515
Chapters: 6/6
Cassian Andor is thrown in an Imperial prison cell with no lights. And a Mandalorian
Why I Recommend:
Fairweather Friends immediately grabbed my attention because I’m a Rogue One fan, and I adore Cassian Andor. Never, though, did I think to pair him up with Din Djarin. The majority of the fic taking place in Cassian and the Mandalorian’s cell could have been boring, but it wasn’t. Robotboy’s excellent characterization and the banter between our two characters kept me on my toes and guessing where the story would go next. After reading one particular exchange:
“You’re not used to fighting without weapons,” Cassian observes.
“You’re not used to fighting without killing,” Mando replies.
I knew the story wouldn’t be a disappointment. From talking about their past/showing one another their scars, to eating, to sparring, and finally to intimacy- each situation our characters are in keeps the reader engaged. It should be noted that there’s a warning at the beginning of the chapter for depiction of torture, and this story is the beginning of a series. This story was fantastic. By the end of it you’re sure to find yourself shipping Cassian and The Mandalorian.

6. Indulgence by sailaway
Rating: Explicit
Words: 2,383
Chapters: 1/1
The aloof Mandalorian was clearly a professional, more concerned with delivering bodies for payment than enjoying a willing one for pleasure. All the more thrilling, then, that it was with you he’d relented to indulge himself.
Why I Recommend:
Indulgence had me from the first sentence. “The Mandalorian sat on the edge of your bed- still armored…” This is a reader-insert, which I mention later but I adore. This is the fic for you if you like voyeurism, but what makes this so interesting is that The Mandalorian keeps his helmet on. The reader must figure out his reactions to everything occurring. I consider that a highlight of the story. Not that I don’t mind when he does take his helmet off. How guarded he was, however, matches with what we knew of the character at the time it was written. This fic also gives dom/sub undertones. If those are your kinks, then this is definitely the story for you!

7. Invisible String by thewayofthemandalorian
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Words: 5,245
Chapters: 1/1
After sharing life-like dreams with someone named Din Djarin, you are surprised to discover that he is your soulmate. At the same time, however, a mysterious Mandalorian bounty hunter crosses your path and captures your attention.
Why I Recommend:
This fic immediately caught my attention as soon as I read the words sharing life-like dreams. Do I get a force-bond set with the Mandalorian? If so, yes please! The second reason I picked this fic is because, personally, I love reader-insert stories. This is definitely one of those stories where you have the gruff, hard to read hero who absolutely melts around the love of their life. Something I appreciated about this one was the reader isn’t really given character descriptions, other than female, so if you wanted you could imagine yourself in her place. When the story takes place on Jakku I found myself thinking of Rey waiting and with Ben out there. When the story jumps to Corellia Han and Qi’ra tragically being separated came to mind. On Coruscant, I found myself thinking of Padmé and Anakin in her apartment. Despite only being one chapter, I felt the angst deep in my bones as the main characters danced around one another connected by their invisible string.

8. The Man Under the Armour by Manfie
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Work in Progress
Words: 146,988
Chapters: 27/?
The village on Sorgan can finally begin to recover from the raids, and maybe the Mandalorian and his foundling can too.
Why I Recommend:
If you love The Mandalorian and Omera then The Man Under the Armour is for you. Taking place after Chapter 4: Sanctuary, this fic asks and answers the questions- what if The Mandalorian stuck around a bit? What if he and Omera decided to explore what they feel toward one another? This story is well paced and well written. It’s a slow burn that will have you eagerly awaiting the next update.

That’s the roundup! Those are my top eight suggestions for Mandalorian fics on AO3 that everyone should read. Here’s hoping that at least one of them brings you all the fluff or angst that you need. Here’s to also hoping that at least one of these fics keep you up entirely too late because you have to read the next chapter!